All functions |
Runs the entire data cleaning procedure for a given year |
Cleans a tibble containing SIOP annual conference participants |
A function wrapper that serially executes all steps related to demographic cleaning of raw XLSX membership data. |
Wrapper function for binding several raw tibbles of dues data that could exist by month, into a single tibble that is then inputted as the dues argument in make_final_data |
A function wrapper that takes the cleaned dues and demo data and merges it, and cleans by SID, and finalizes a cleaned dataset ready for further analysis. |
Categorize whether a member works in an applied or academic setting. |
Clean and categorize a member's age. Bins have been pre-established according to best practices. Age is calculated from the date the function was ran. Results may therefore vary. |
Re-factor the Birthdate column to be a true Date variable |
Cleans and categorizes open-ended city name data and corrects errors. |
Cleans a member's country of residence/location. |
Cleans a variety of columns in dues data |
Cleans a member's racial ethnicity. |
Cleans a member's field of study |
Cleans a member's gender |
Cleans a member's highest earned degree. |
Cleans primary interests categories, up to 3 in total |
Cleans Involvement Sought field |
Cleans a member's categorization as individual or prospect |
Cleans Other Organizational Affiliations and licensure fields |
Cleans a member's school categorization |
Cleans a member's school categorization. |
Cleans a member's primary employment sector. |
Removes SID duplicates |
Cleans a member's state of residence, USA only. |